Week 2 Exercises: A Simple Self Blessing and First Oath

I put my first oath together today with the intention of doing this on the upcoming high day.  I borrowed the format from the Dedicant’s Manual, only making some minor changes, and I placed it within the ritual of a simple blessing that was in the Through the Wheel of the Year  book.  This is what I have so far, perhaps tweaking it throughout the upcoming week and making it truly my oath.

Continue reading Week 2 Exercises: A Simple Self Blessing and First Oath

Through the Wheel of the Year: Week 1

I will be using Rev. Michael J. Dangler’s The ADF Dedicant Path Through the Wheel of the Year to guide my progress on the Dedicant’s Path.  I’ve actually been working on this for a short time and have completed some of the assignments.  I’ll post these as I go along and appreciate any feedback that you all may have for me 🙂 Continue reading Through the Wheel of the Year: Week 1