Green Grimoire Entry 10: Ash Cave and Misogi

This weekend, my family and I went to Ash Cave at Hocking Hills State Park, in south eastern Ohio. It was our first trip to it and what a trip it was! That was one of the most powerful places I have ever been, full of that magickal feeling I get when I’m outside.  Here is an image of what we saw walking up:

Ash Cave Entrance

The huge overhanging archway was dwarfing to those of us there.  Graffiti, some going back a couple hundred years, lined the walls, while sand and powdery dirt insulated the ground.

On the edge of cave, a waterfall spilled over the edge.

Ash Cave Waterfall

It was glorious, and magickal.  I was reminded of what the Japanese do in the wintertime. There is a Shinto ritual called Misogi where a practitioner stands under a cold flowing waterfall to purify themselves.  This I did.

misogi ash cave
Performing Misogi

It was cold, and the constant pounding on my head began to hurt after a little while, but I did feel like a whole new person when I was done.  I managed to stand there for five minutes, focusing on my breath and feeling any impurity and uncleanliness wash away.  It was a spiritual experience to say the least, and I was grateful for the experience.  The spirits of the wood and cave smiled on me that day!