Green Grimoire Entry 5: Circles

Cycles and Circles

Throughout all of Nature, the natural cycles play out before us dancing to a beautiful rhythm we call life.  These cycles manifest themselves, both within the framework of the hidden hand behind all things in the universe, and that which enlightens our understanding of opposites.  We easily see cycles of change within our beautiful existence, related much to the dualistic approach many of us have towards life. This view of opposites helps to understand the natural cycles that play out in our lives.  But those of us walking Gaia’s path must remember, you can’t have one opposite without the other.  They are indeed two sides of the same coin, each part completing the circle. So, without further ado, I give you my list of cycles and circles. Continue reading Green Grimoire Entry 5: Circles

Green Grimoire Entry 4: Honoring the Seasons

12 Jul 2016

Honoring the Seasons: Spring

Part 1

Springtime is among the most glorious times of the year for me.  Where I live, have have four distinct seasons with Spring kicking off sometime during March.  Over the past couple of years, I’ve watched (sometimes impatiently), for the first signs of Spring. The first thing I notice is the temperature at night and into the day. It will be anywhere from 30 to 50 degrees at night with it getting to as high as 60 during the day. The air still feels really brisk, and there are periods of morning dew or frost. There are also flowers blooming, lots and lots of flowers…in the trees, across the fields…everywhere!!!  Continue reading Green Grimoire Entry 4: Honoring the Seasons

Green Grimoire Entry 3

A Brief Segue…

So, as I use this journal, especially out in nature, it becomes increasingly apparent that while I can feel the magick in nature, I don’t really know or understand how to use it.  Up until a few years ago, I never would have thought that any of this was possible, coming from a mostly scientific background. Continue reading Green Grimoire Entry 3

Green Grimoire Entry 2: The Magick of Cherry Blossoms

10 Jul 2016

The Magick of Cherry Blossoms

I was organizing my cupboards the other day and I found an extra bottle of Japanese Sakura Pepsi that I had ordered back in the spring time at the behest of pretty much every anime service I belong to.  Staring at me as though it were saying, “Oh there you are, you’ve neglected me and my Sakura deliciousness,” it taunted me from its high encampment. Continue reading Green Grimoire Entry 2: The Magick of Cherry Blossoms

Green Grimoire Entry 1

I’ve decided to do an electronic journal for this, as part of my overall Magickal/Druidic journal. I’ll use it for Nature Spellcraft, experiences in the Natural World, and everything relating back to Gaia.  For my first entry, I wanted to talk about an experience I had at one of my favorite local nature haunts.  At the edge of Inniswood, a small forest close to my house that has a nice botanical garden and walking trails, I came upon an albino squirrel.  Continue reading Green Grimoire Entry 1