Violet Grimoire: The Future of Cosmology

The Red Pill and the Future of Cosmology

“What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” ~Morpheus (Quotes, 2016) Continue reading Violet Grimoire: The Future of Cosmology

Violet Grimoire: Neptune

In second or third grade, I  developed an intense fascination with the planets, much the same way my children do now. I would stare up at the sky in wonder imagining traveling to these distant places, wondering how long it would take me to arrive at them.  I could picture Jupiter’s great red spot vividly, constantly doodling my favorite planets orbiting around the sun.  My interest was compounded further when the Voyager Spacecraft sent back images of these colossal gas giants.  It was in 1989 when the Voyager sent back images of Neptune complete with its own “great blue spot” (Loff, 2015),  offering its first Continue reading Violet Grimoire: Neptune