Reflections on the Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard: Preface

So, I wanted to begin with a disclaimer.  I’m a little biased towards this book.  It was my first introduction to Wizardry, having been completely ignorant of this path with the exception of the Harry Potter movies.  I remember hearing the author on Coast to Coast AM driving into work. I remember thinking to myself that I had no idea that this was any of this was a real thing.  Then, inevitably, the skepticism set in. I’ve been one to generally keep an open mind about things, not discounting something until I’ve heard it through.  As I listened to Master Oberon talk, I was amazed at how reasonable he was.  This reasonableness intrigued me, and so, I bought the book. My eyes had been opened to a brave new world, where magick is real and everywhere, and it’s all within a framework that is not so far fetched.

So, with all of that said, I want to tackle this book and reflect on some of the items I have read therein.  On my own path of wizardry, things have been very convoluted and a lot of patience has been required to persevere.  I wanted to share this part of my journey with you, and make my pitch to get the book.  It is very introductory, so for the advanced practitioners, it might not be your cup of tea.  Regardless, I believe it to be a fantastic book, one that every aspiring wizard ought to read! Let’s begin 🙂

At the beginning of the Preface the author gives us a quote from Willy Wonka:

We are the makers of magic. And we are the tellers of tales.

This is where my shift began.  Magickis something that we do, whether we know it or not. Like breathing, or the beating of our hearts, we do it, and don’t really think about it. Much of this, I have learned, comes from something that is in the base nature of our shared humanity. We commonly refer to this as intent.  We make magick by shaping our world with intent. It is one of the most powerful forms of magick out there. With intent, we bring about change. From one form to another we move, dancing across time, in the multiverse’s seemingly endless dance.  How do we do this? One tool that the author mentions right away is what he tells us differentiates a wizard from others:

The main difference between a Wizard and others

is that the Wizard knows the importance of stories and myths,

and seizes the power to tell the story in a way that shapes the future.

All Wizards are storytellers–and their stories tell us who we are,

where we came from and where we are going.

And this is how we use are intent…through storytelling. And I have heard the most wonderful stories in my journey so far, many demonstrating a particular point of view whose message has been lost in the current era.  These stories become our myths and legends, and they fulfill that timeless need for us to collect wisdom that is passed on to future generations.

From here, the author does something that he will do throughout the book.  He breaks into a series of stories, designed to teach the lesson of embarking on the journey of truth and discovery.  This has been my greatest adventure, being whisked away to these other worlds to learn the valuable lessons they have to teach us.  This is the role of the apprentice: to learn what must be learned so that when we are in the role of Wizard, we can send future apprentices out on their own paths of self-discovery.

Enjoy the stories, savor the lessons, and discover how truly magickal this grand multiverse of ours really is!

Yours on the Path,


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