Black Grimoire: DADA Rules for Seeing into the Darkness

These come to me from the Grey School of Wizardry Defense Against the Dark Arts 101 Class.  They are important to know in any study of the Dark Arts, and should be taken into account when practicing.

DON’T P­ANIC­ – If you lose your calm, your opponent has already won the battle.

Don’t pre-judge – Learn about other traditions and other cultures. Do not assume that different is bad, or that same is good, or that there is any such thing as absolutely good or absolutely bad.

Do not impose your ethics onto others – In Ethics of Magick 200, (a level 2 required class) you will explore multiple views of ethics. Never assume your way is always right to the exclusion of all others.

Remember the Prime Directive – In the television show Star Trek, the Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal affairs of other civilizations. In Defense Against the Dark Arts, this translates to “do not interfere where you are not welcome.” Do not try to help where you do not have permission to do so. Defend, do not offend. Protect, do not meddle.

Be Prepared – It is not just for boy scouts! Daily centering and grounding exercises, preparing a defensive magick kit (and roadside emergency pack), learning to banish, taking a self-defense class—all of these things can help you be on your toes when you are faced with a dangerous situation. Keep yourself in good mental and physical shape through regular meditation, proactive psychotherapy, centering and grounding, eating right, regular exercise, and drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Make the call – In any situation, stop and ask if you are equipped to handle this problem. If you do not have the proper knowledge, skills, or supplies to combat the present situation, call someone who does, no matter whether this is your magickal mentor, your teacher/parent, or 911 (or other local emergency line). Pride and ego will get you in over your head before you realize it.

Know when to fold ’em – If you have determined that you are not equipped to handle the situation and you, for whatever reason, cannot call in back-up, it might be time to back out of the situation and regroup as best you can. Don’t feel like you have to charge in and save the day yourself due to the lack of reinforcements. Live to fight another day!

Be patient – Knowledge solves ignorance but the only ward against impulsive actions with dire consequences is wisdom. Wisdom comes with experience, and experience only comes with time and trials. Wisdom comes when you stop to consider the consequences of your actions. A wise person will consider the consequences of driving drunk or having unsafe sex. A wise person will consider the consequences of walking through a dark alley alone at 3 am.

Be careful and alert – The only ward against accidents is to be careful and pay attention. If you are at a stop sign and it is your turn to go, but the car coming the other direction is really close and still going 75 miles an hour, then be cautious, wait, and see that he is going to stop rather than automatically taking your turn. Plan ahead and take precautions in everything you do.

Laugh – Don’t take yourself or the threats in the world too seriously. By laughing at a threat, you can often take away much of its power. Depleting the fear that something evokes depletes its hold over you. On the other hand, laughing at yourself once in a while keeps you grounded and helps to defuse ego-inflation and paranoia.

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