Green Grimoire Entry 3

A Brief Segue…

So, as I use this journal, especially out in nature, it becomes increasingly apparent that while I can feel the magick in nature, I don’t really know or understand how to use it.  Up until a few years ago, I never would have thought that any of this was possible, coming from a mostly scientific background. This foundation, while fantastic in the mundane world, doesn’t do me much good while practicing.  I can feel the magick all around me, swallowing me up, but at the same time, doubt inevitably sets in.  Part of it is with my age, and a certain amount of rationality I’ve acquired as I’ve gotten older.  But the youthful, inner child in me, longing for expression, magick, and mystery screams to come out of me.  In a proverbial Fox Mulderish sort of way, I want to believe in these things, and I feel them to be true, but I still struggle with the uncertainty of it all.  That being said, I picked up a e-book at the suggestion of the syllabus Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac for 2016.


I’ll be working with this since it has a lot of good information concerning the magickal side of nature. I’m hoping that it helps put to rest some of these doubts, by offering me some new perspectives. Today, my dear grimoire, you’re my diary, thanks for being there. Here’s to the adventures that will ensue 🙂


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