Green Grimoire Entry 1

I’ve decided to do an electronic journal for this, as part of my overall Magickal/Druidic journal. I’ll use it for Nature Spellcraft, experiences in the Natural World, and everything relating back to Gaia.  For my first entry, I wanted to talk about an experience I had at one of my favorite local nature haunts.  At the edge of Inniswood, a small forest close to my house that has a nice botanical garden and walking trails, I came upon an albino squirrel. 

As he or she scurried about the forest floor, hopping along moss covered logs and the remnants of last year’s autumn, they left a very strong impression on me, one of a couple of experiences I’ve had that made me believe that magick is real, and very much alive in nature. I could really feel it coming from this little being and had the impression that he or she was perhaps a guardian of the wood. I was content to sit there in its company, watching it as it hurried about its business.  I left a small offering of cashews that I had in my pocket and thanked it spending some time with me today.I also said a little prayer:

Spirit Guardian of the Forest

Share your wisdom with me,

 give me your strength,

and guide my Magickal practice.

Sadly, I didn’t have my camera, but apparently, he’s a famous little guy and there are lots of images of him on the internet.  Here’s one I borrowed from Ryanhurbertgorup from Imgur:

Green Grimoire.jpg

(Ryanhurbertgorup, 2014)

According to the Native American Lore, Albino animals were to be regarded with the utmost respect, or a curse would follow (Musinsky, 2016). Other tribes regarded their presence as a sign of wisdom, with deeply spiritual connections (2016).  This is what I felt with this creature.  I am glad to discover that I am in good company with my Native American brethren.

Works Cited

Musinsky, Gerald. “Albino Spirit Animals.” Encyclopedia Mythica.< 19 Apr. 1997. Web. 9 Jul. 2016.

Ryanhurbertgorup.”Albino Squirrel!!” <;. 2014. Web. 8 Jul. 2016.

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