Prayer Bead Devotional

I came across this awesome devotion this morning in my reading and wanted to share.  I can relate to the author’s trouble in completing the Nine Virtues portion of the Dedicant Path.  I thought this was a good was to overcome the obstacles that may be present as we complete our journeys.  Picture credit goes to Marjolijin-Ashara on Deviant Art (

“Prayer Bead Devotional

By Mary Anne

Shortly after joining ADF and becoming a friend to Three Cranes Grove, I started seriously working on my Dedicant Path materials. I had been trying to get through my Nine virtues articles and was finding I was having a lot of trouble motivating myself to do them. I had been browsing the articles on ADF’s website and stumbled across one by Susan Reed called “An ADF Nine Virtues Bead Devotional.” The idea intrigued me so I read on. After reading the entire article several times I realized that this could be something that might really help me figure out what I want to talk about in my virtues essays so I set about to create my own set of prayer beads. I borrowed heavily in some places from Susan’s original devotional but in other places I felt my interpretation was much different and warranted coming up with a brand new words and ideas. It took me a couple of hours to complete the whole devotional, and it is still a work in progress, but it is something that I am very proud of and think on almost every day. I have yet to complete all my DP virtue articles, but the longer I meditate daily on the virtues the deeper understanding I gain from them, and I have confidence that when I finally sit down and write it all out, my daily devotional will provide me insights I would not have had otherwise.

  •  First Bead –Ancient Ones, Noble Ones, Shining Ones, I welcome you in heart and hearth. On this day may I live in such a way that I may honor you in word and action. (The bead I used for this I felt represented all three Kindreds, silver for the shining ones, antique looking for the ancestors, and floral designs for the nature spirits.)
  • Wisdom –On this day may I have the knowledge and insight to judge appropriately. (This bead is represented by a pearl for “pearls of wisdom”)
  • Piety –On this day may I never forget my relationship with you and may I honor you with a joyful heart. (I associate piety with love and devotion so it made sense that this bead was heart shaped.)
  • Vision –On this day may I assume nothing and open my eyes to the wider world around me. (I chose this bead because of it being clear, you can almost see through it.)
  • Loki –Master of Mischief and Bringer of Change… (Because Loki is one of my patrons I felt it only appropriate that his bead is slightly larger than the rest. I also tried to find the most unique bead in my collection because Loki tends to march to the beat of his own drum.)
  • Courage –On this day may I follow the way of truth with strength and determination in spite of my fears. (I chose red for this bead because it is often associated with bravery.)
  • Integrity –On this day may I remain true to my values and approach others’ beliefs with tolerance and respect. (I chose a rainbow for this bead because all of the colors exist together harmoniously.)
  • Perseverance –On this day may I wholeheartedly pursue my goals even in times of strife. (I chose an orange bead because it reminded me of the sun and how it never fails to rise and fall every day.)
  • Danu –Queen of Kindness and Great Earth Mother… (I chose a large brown bead for its obvious earth connections.)
  • Hospitality –On this day may I give to you and others with humor and grace so that I may receive in turn. (I chose a golden bead because it reminded me of warmth and compassion.)
  • Moderation –On this day may I find balance in all aspects of life. (I chose this bead because of the light and dark colors together.)
  • Fertility –On this day may I remember to appreciate and nurture creativity in all my endeavors. (I chose green because I have always found green an inspirational color.)
  • Last Bead –Blessed Patrons and Kindred, I thank you for your gifts and wisdom and on this day may I continue to receive your challenges and blessings.

Prayer upon extinguishing candles at the end of a devotional

By Anna Banana

Even as I extinguish these flames, I keep them burning within myself.
The altar of my heart is always open to you” (Dangler, 110-111).

Works Cited

Dangler, M. The Fire on Our Hearth. 2nd ed. Three Cranes Grove. 2010. pdf   file. 30 Nov. 2015.

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